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Best Moncton Mortgage Rate - 

Make sure to compare the best rate in Moncton to get the lowest rate possible on the market. Some advertisers don't offer their rate in Moncton NB. Local Mortgage Broker in Moncton will be able to assist you to find a great rate that will suit your need.  

 Fixed Mortgage Rate - Moncton NB 

Our fixed rates are designed for someone looking for stability in their payments. There are penalties associated with breaking a fixed rate with any lender but we have access to lenders who have lower pre-payment charges. Make sure to disclose any futur plan that you may have to your Mortgage Broker so that he can assist you in a better decision.  

Variable Mortgage Rate - Moncton NB 

Our Variable Mortgage Rates are designed for someone looking for flexibility and are ok with a little fluctuation in the Mortgage Rates. One big advantage with the Variable Mortgage Rate is that instead of charging an IRD penalty to break a term, the lenders will only charge 3 months of interest on the remaining Mortgage balance. Make sure to disclose any futur plan that you may have to your Mortgage Broker so that he can assist you in a better decision.  

Frequently questions asked for Mortgage Rates in Moncton

What happen if the Prime rate goes up - 

If the Bank of Canada announce a change in the prime rate, your Mortgage Lender will notify you of your new payment before it comes into effect. If your contract is Prime - 0.80%, it means that your interest rate will always be 0.80% less than the Prime Rate of the Bank of Canada. 

I am looking to purchase a First house, should I go with Fixe or Variable  - 

First time home buyers are more concerned with the decision of taking a fixed rate or a variable mortgage rate. If you think that you will live in this property for the rest of your life or for at least the next 5 years, then I can recommend a fixed rate. If you already know that this is only a property that you want to own for a few year and then purchase another property, I will recommend to take the Variable mortgage rate. It also depend on personal budget, if you cannot afford an increase of payment, then again, I would recommend a fixed rate for stability. 

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